
06 September 2012

Google Talk Hidden Smileys

In the previous posts I talked about various secret emoticons on Facebook ...Well I found many viewers had liked the post ... Why not !!!Who wudn't want to show off among ur frndz n especially impress girls in your account using those cool Smileys ..... So fed up of using bore old Gtalk Smileys in chats .... Well then you are just at the right place Tech Junkieee's .... In todays post lets see some cool gtalk smileys which are hidden by gtalk and aren't available to use directly.Google always has something special hidden for its fans .. There are certain secrets that you won't find anywhere documented.

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05 September 2012

iPad hacks/tricks that does not involve Jailbreaking

Trying to see what cool stuff others are using their iPad or maybe a neat trick you use others may not know.For people who are adventurous but don't want to actually go the  jailbreak route.

Here's a list of sum of them:

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