
12 March 2012

5 Signs That You’re a Tech Junkieee

According to Urban Dictionary, a Tech Junkie is defined as “A tech savvy person who cannot function/live without constantly being connected to the current technology. This person is constantly thinking and/or talking about the current tech or what’s just around the corner.”
Sound a little too familiar? Think you may be addicted to tech? Here are 5 signs that you are a tech junkie:
  1. You always crave the latest devices – Doesn’t matter what it is, you need to have the latest tech gadget. I had a friend who ran out and bought a Roomba  robotic vacuum cleaner when it was first introduced. It didn’t matter that he lived in a New York City apartment the size of a dressing room. He had to have it, end of story. (Disclosure: I have a Scooba  and LOVE it!)
  2. Disconnecting is not an option – Nor food nor friends nor sleep can keep a tech addict from their handheld gadget. You must be connected at all times and feel incomplete without your device in hand. Ever been out with a friend or romantic other and find yourself (and maybe even them) constantly emailing/texting/tweeting the evening away? Yup, classic tech junkie.
  3. Standing in line for your next tech fix is a must – Anytime Apple sets a launch date for a new product release, you can bet that you, along with scores of other techies, will be in line to buy said product. True happiness will only be reached when you walk out with your new toy. Now that’s some tech mojo!
  4. You wonder why everyone you know isn’t a tech junkie, too – You love to spread the word about the joys of technology and can’t help but want others to experience the same feeling you get from having all the tech goodies the world has to offer.
  5. You cannot go a day without it – The thought of going 24 hours without technology is unfathomable to you. Imagine sitting in your grandparent’s living room with only a small, battery operated radio playing. No HDtv, no computer, no smart phone, no PlayStation, no iPod, no iPad, not even a fax machine…perish the thought!
Remember, admitting you have a problem is the first step. Now, get out there and buy that new phone/television/gaming system. You know you want it.
So ARE you the TechJunkiee ??? Then You Are At the right place !!! Keep Visiting my blog for Tips and Tricks !!!!!!!

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