
15 June 2012

Facebook Tips and Tricks 6

Hi TJ's today i am going to share with you some more Facebook Tips and tricks.

 After the hit of new Facebook timeline feature many Facebook users were worried with new Facebook features like timeline ,ticker etc.Though there was no official statement from Facebook about the removal of these timeline and ticker,Facebook users followed some tricks and hacks to get rid of these features.

By seeing this Facebook team has made few changes to Facebook and satisfied users to some extent.Facebook didn't announce any remedy on how to remove Facebook timeline as of now but now you can manually remove Facebook timeline.

1.How to watch streaming TV on Facebook?

Go to below application and watch live streaming.

2. How to Add a Dislike Option to Your Status Update?

"Like" buttons are everywhere on Facebook, and they're everywhere on the web. But what if you want to update your status or share something that your friends can "dislike?" We know, your friends can choose to "comment" on your post, but where's the fun in that?

The clever Status Magic Facebook app can add a dislike button to any status updates posted via the app. And if you want to really mix it up you can actually customize the second emotion to anything, such as "love," "hate," "disagree" or even "LOLs.

3.How to send sms using Facebook?

Yes you are right now you can send sms from Facebook.
Go to the below application and send sms


4.How to see who is online when you are offline?

Use the below application to know who are online while you are offline.

5.How to Talk like a Pirate on Facebook ?

If you ever wish to talk like a pirate ,you can set your Facebook to appear like a pirate page by going into "Account Settings" where you can go to Languages section to change Current Language Settings and setting it to English(Pirate).

6. How to Play a Trick On Your Friends in Your Status Update?

We have a funny one to end on -- a way to play an amazing trick on your Facebook buddies.

This clever link "" looks like it could be a URL for anyone's Facebook profile, actually takes anyone logged into Facebook to their own profile page.

If you try it out, be sure to remove the link preview that Facebook auto-ads. Have fun, and don't be too mean...




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